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MPCL Bibliographies: Verbalization of Timbre

Compiled at the Music Perception and Cognition Laboratory (MPCL) — McGill University.
Updated March 28, 2022.

Alluri, V., & Toiviainen, P. (2012). Effect of enculturation on the semantic and acoustic correlates of polyphonic timbre. Music Perception, 29(3), 297–310.
Asada, M., & Ohgushi, K. (1991). Perceptual analyses of Ravel’s “Bolero.” Music Perception, 8(3), 241–249.
Biber, D. (2009). Corpus-based and corpus-driven analyses of language variation and use. In B. Heine & H. Narrog (Eds.), Oxford Handbook of Linguistic Analysis. Oxford University Press.
Darke, G. (2005). Assessment of timbre using verbal attributes. Conference on Interdisciplinary Musicology, Montreal, Quebec.
David, S., Dubois, D., Rouby, C., & Schaal, B. (1997). L’expression des odeurs en français: Analyse lexicale et représentation cognitive [The expression of odors in French: Lexical analysis and cognitive representation]. Intellectica, 24, 51–83.
Disley, A. C., & Howard, D. M. (2004). Spectral correlates of timbral semantics relating to the pipe organ. Speech, Music and Hearing, TMH-QPSR, 46(1), 25–40.
Faure, A. (2000). Des sons aux mots, comment parle-t-on du timbre musical ? Ecole des hautes études en sciences sociales.
Humphrey, E. J., Glennon, A. P., & Bello, J. P. (2011). Non-Linear Semantic Embedding for Organizing Large Instrument Sample Libraries. 2, 142–147.
Kendall, R. A., & Carterette, E. C. (1992). Verbal attributes of simultaneous wind instrument timbres. II: Adjectives induced from Piston’s Orchestration. Music Perception, 10, 469–502.
Kendall, R. A., & Carterette, E. C. (1993). Verbal attributes of simultaneous wind instrument timbres: I. von Bismarck’s adjectives. Music Perception, 10(4), 445–467.
Lavoie, M. (2008). Le timbre intra-instrumental en musicologie: Proposition de méthodes d’analyse dérivées de la linguistique [Thesis]. Université de Montréal.
Marks, L. E. (1996). On Perceptual Metaphors. Metaphor and Symbolic Activity, 11(1), 39–66.
Murari, M., Roda, A., Canazza, S., De Poli, G., & Da Pos, O. (2015). Is Vivaldi smooth and takete? Non-verbal sensory scales for describing music qualities. Journal of New Music Research, 44(4), 359–372.
Nosulenko, V. N., Samoylenko, E. S., & McAdams, S. (1994). Analysis of verbal descriptions in a comparative study of musical timbres. Journal de Physique, 4(C5), 637–640.
Patel, A. D. (2008). Music, Language, and the Brain. Oxford University Press.
Poitrenaud, S. (1995). The procope semantic network: An alternative to action grammars. International Journal of Human-Computer Studies, 42, 31–69.
Rioux, V., & Vastfjall, D. (2001). Analyses of verbal descriptions of the sound quality of a flue organ pipe. Musicae Scientiae, 5(1), 55–82.
Samoylenko, E., McAdams, S., & Nosulenko, V. (1996)Samoylenko, E., McAdams, S., & Nosulenko, V. (1996). Systematic analysis of verbalizations produced in comparing musical timbres. International Journal of Psychology, 31(6), 255–278.
Solomon, L. N. (1958). Semantic approach to the perception of complex sounds. Journal of the Acoustical Society of America, 30(5), 421–425.
Stepanek, J. (2002). Evaluation of timbre of violin tones according to selected verbal attributes. 32nd International Congress of Acoustics, Slovakia.
Stepanek, J. (2002). The study of violin timbre using spontaneous verbal description and verbal attribute rating. Forum Acusticum Sevilla.
Stepanek, J. (2006). Musical sound timbre: Verbal description and dimensions. 9th International Conference on Digital Audio Effects (DAFx-06), Montreal, Canada.
Taylor, I. J., Gandy, L. J., & Dark, G. (1974). Linguistic description and auditory perception. Perceptual and Motor Skills, 38, 703–707.
von Bismarck, G. (1974). Sharpness as an attribute of the timbre of steady sounds. Acustica, 30(3), 159–172.
von Bismarck, G. (1974). Timbre of steady sounds: A factorial investigation of its verbal attributes. Acta Acustica United with Acustica, 30(3), 146–159.
Wallmark, Z. (2018). A corpus analysis of timbre semantics in orchestration treatises. Psychology of Music.
Wallmark, Z., & Kendall, R. A. (2018). Describing Sound: The Cognitive Linguistics of Timbre. In E. I. Dolan & A. Rehding (Eds.), The Oxford Handbook of Timbre. Oxford University Press.
Wedin, L. (1972). A multidimensional study of perceptual‐emotional qualities in music. Scandinavian Journal of Psychology, 13(1), 241–257.
Wright, P. (1971). Linguistic description of auditory signals. Journal of Applied Psychology, 55(3), 244–250.
Zacharakis, A., Pastiadis, K., & Reiss, J. D. (2014). An interlanguage study of musical timbre semantic dimensions and their acoustic correlates. Music Perception, 31(4), 339–358.
Zacharakis, A., Pastiadis, K., & Reiss, J. D. (2015). An Interlanguage Unification of Musical Timbre. Music Perception, 32(4), 394–412.

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