Contrasts / Segmentation
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MPCL Bibliographies: Contrasts / Segmentation
Compiled at the Music Perception and Cognition Laboratory (MPCL) — McGill University.
Updated March 28, 2022.
Addessi, A. R., & Caterina, R. (2000). Perceptual musical analysis: Segmentation and perception of tension. Musicae Scientiae, 4(1), 31–54.
Boltz, M. (1992). Temporal accent structure and the remembering of filmed narratives. Journal of Experimental Psychology: Human Perception & Performance, 18(1), 90–105.
Deliège, I. (1987). Grouping conditions in listening to music: An approach to Lerdahl & Jackendoff’s grouping preference rules. Music Perception, 4(4), 325–360.
Deliège, I. (1989). A perceptual approach to contemporary musical forms. Contemporary Music Review, 4(1), 213–230.
Goodchild, M., & McAdams, S. (2018). Perceptual processes in orchestration. In E. Dolan & A. Rehding (Eds.), The Oxford handbook of timbre. Oxford University Press.
Hartmann, M., Lartillot, O., & Toiviainen, P. (2016). Interaction features for prediction of perceptual segmentation: Effects of musicianship and experimental task. Journal of New Music Research, 46(2), 1–19.
Kurby, C. A., & Zacks, J. M. (2008). Segmentation in the perception and memory of events. Trends in Cognitive Sciences, 12(2), 72–79.
Lerdahl, F., & Jackendoff, R. S. (1983). A generative theory of tonal music. MIT Press.
Oliver, H. (1967). Structural functions of musical material in Webern’s op. 6, no. 1. Perspectives of New Music, 6(1), 67–73.
Pearce, M. T., Müllensiefen, D., & Wiggins, G. A. (2010). The role of expectation and probabilistic learning in auditory boundary perception: A model comparison. Perception, 39(10), 1367–1391.
Rivière, H. (1993). On rhythmical marking in music. Ethnomusicology, 37(2), 243–250.