IRCAM Forum IRCAM Research Team IRCAM Forum IRCAM Research Team

A case study of the perceptual challenges and advantages of homogeneous orchestration

Orchestration is defined by Stephen McAdams as “the choice, combination or juxtaposition of sounds to achieve a musical end.” This typically invokes a palette of heterogeneous sounds, especially those of the instruments of the symphony orchestra, but McAdams’ definition equally applies to homogeneous sound palettes encountered in ensembles of uniform composition, such as the guitar orchestra.

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IRCAM Forum IRCAM Research Team IRCAM Forum IRCAM Research Team

Harnessing the Computational Modelling of the Perception of Orchestral Effects for Computer-Aided Orchestration Tools

Recent developments in the field of computer-aided orchestration have provided interesting approaches for addressing some of the many orchestration challenges, supported by advances in computational capacities and artificial intelligence methods. Nevertheless, harnessing the many sides of this musical art, which involves combining the acoustic properties of a large ensemble of varied instruments, has not yet been achieved.

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IRCAM Forum IRCAM Research Team IRCAM Forum IRCAM Research Team

Getting into Place/Space

Human acquisition of skills and knowledge about the spaces they inhabit is linked to our development of proprioceptive skills from the earliest moments of physical and psychological negotiation with the world around us. The acquisition of “spatial intelligence” extends to the development of skills in comprehending the acoustic spaces through which we move, unconsciously and consciously measuring, comparing and committing to memory the sound signals and sources fleetingly inhabiting these spaces while building a library of sounding spaces to which we return and reference.

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IRCAM Forum IRCAM Research Team IRCAM Forum IRCAM Research Team

The hallucinogenic belfry

Computational musicology is emerging out of the necessity of finding methods to deal with music (both art and popular) that escapes conventional Western notation. To better understand this music, we use computational methods to decompose recordings of performances of contemporary music into digital musical objects.

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IRCAM Forum IRCAM Research Team IRCAM Forum IRCAM Research Team

Timbre’s function in perception of affective intents. Can it be learned?

Timbre has been identified by music perception scholars as an important component in the communication of affect in music. While its function as a carrier of perceptually useful information about sound source mechanics has been established, studies of whether and how it functions as a carrier of information for communicating affect in music are still in their infancy.

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IRCAM Forum IRCAM Research Team IRCAM Forum IRCAM Research Team


Depuis 2008, le groupe de recherche en immersion spatiale (GRIS) de la Faculté de musique de l'Université de Montréal développe des outils de spatialisation destinés à des environnements immersifs de multiples haut-parleurs.

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