Nova Contemporary Music Meeting Nova Contemporary Music Meeting May 5 Written By ACTOR Research Team Videos | NCMMNova Contemporary Music MeetingPresentations by member of the Composer Performer Research Ensemble (CORE) Project Featured Composer-performer Orchestration Research Ensembles Documenting Composer-Performer Collaboration on Orchestrational Problem Solving Orchestrational thinking and composer-performer relationships E-Rock: Creating Blend, Combining Styles, and Composing through Collaboration More videos on the Timbre and Orchestration Resource All Videos Repository Yorùbá Language Tonality as Basis of Orchestration Teaching Timbre: The Hammond Organ, Black Gospel, and the Politics of Presets Tutorials Conference and Scholastic Presentations Symposiums and Workshops Research Alive Documentaries The Timbre of Early Blackface in the Making of (Black) Americana EduFilm 6 | The Mysteries of Orchestration EduFilm 5 | Does Gender Have a Timbre? How the Cello Became a Vehicle for Arranging Haitian Songs EduFilm 4 | Timbre and Cover Songs EduFilm 3 | Timbre and Culture Ensemble de Recherche Orchestration et Création | année 2024 Afro Caribbean Music: An International Impact on Culture and Aesthetic for Ensembles Orchestration: a functional approach to sound organization in African music Finding Consilience in The Vibrato Wars EduFilm 2 | Cross Modal Cameron “Do You Hear What I Hear?”: An Afrological Approach to the Study of Sonic Representations Crunk, Trap, and Compositional Representations of Embodied Experiences Dark: The Sight and Sound of Black Lives Analysis, Creation, and Teaching of Orchestration Project | Overview Unraveling timbre in the music of the marriage ceremony of the Chewa and Bemba in Zambia EduFilm 1 | What is ACTOR CV Workshop CORE | Round 1 Documentary Composer-Performer Orchestration Research Ensemble Phantasmagoria Prayers And Curses The ACTOR Composer-performer Orchestration Research Ensemble (CORE) Project ACTOR Research Team
Nova Contemporary Music Meeting Nova Contemporary Music Meeting May 5 Written By ACTOR Research Team Videos | NCMMNova Contemporary Music MeetingPresentations by member of the Composer Performer Research Ensemble (CORE) Project Featured Composer-performer Orchestration Research Ensembles Documenting Composer-Performer Collaboration on Orchestrational Problem Solving Orchestrational thinking and composer-performer relationships E-Rock: Creating Blend, Combining Styles, and Composing through Collaboration More videos on the Timbre and Orchestration Resource All Videos Repository Yorùbá Language Tonality as Basis of Orchestration Teaching Timbre: The Hammond Organ, Black Gospel, and the Politics of Presets Tutorials Conference and Scholastic Presentations Symposiums and Workshops Research Alive Documentaries The Timbre of Early Blackface in the Making of (Black) Americana EduFilm 6 | The Mysteries of Orchestration EduFilm 5 | Does Gender Have a Timbre? How the Cello Became a Vehicle for Arranging Haitian Songs EduFilm 4 | Timbre and Cover Songs EduFilm 3 | Timbre and Culture Ensemble de Recherche Orchestration et Création | année 2024 Afro Caribbean Music: An International Impact on Culture and Aesthetic for Ensembles Orchestration: a functional approach to sound organization in African music Finding Consilience in The Vibrato Wars EduFilm 2 | Cross Modal Cameron “Do You Hear What I Hear?”: An Afrological Approach to the Study of Sonic Representations Crunk, Trap, and Compositional Representations of Embodied Experiences Dark: The Sight and Sound of Black Lives Analysis, Creation, and Teaching of Orchestration Project | Overview Unraveling timbre in the music of the marriage ceremony of the Chewa and Bemba in Zambia EduFilm 1 | What is ACTOR CV Workshop CORE | Round 1 Documentary Composer-Performer Orchestration Research Ensemble Phantasmagoria Prayers And Curses The ACTOR Composer-performer Orchestration Research Ensemble (CORE) Project ACTOR Research Team