EduFilm 5 | Does Gender Have a Timbre?
Title: EduFilm 5 | Does Gender Have a Timbre?
Series: EduFilms
How to cite: Marchand Knight, J., & Duinker, B. (2023, November 14). ACTOR EduFilm 5 | Does gender have a timbre? [Video]. ACTOR Timbre and Orchestration Resource. YouTube. Retrieved Month Day, Year, from
Timbre is a pretty complicated concept when it comes to the sound of the singing voice. The way we perceive vocal timbre has much to do with our visual perception of the vocalist's appearance. What perceptual biases are entwined in this process, and how can we combat them?
Written by: Jay Marchand Knight and Ben Duinker
Narration: Jay Marchand Knight and Ben Duinker
Animation, Editing, and Sound Design: Patrick Hart
Producer: Ben Duinker
Executive Producer: Stephen McAdams
Produced with the generous support of the ACTOR Partnership, the Schulich School of Music, McGill University, and the Social Sciences and Humanities Research Council of Canada.