EduFilm 1 | What is ACTOR

Title: EduFilm 1 | What is the Analysis, Creation, and Teaching of Orchestration (ACTOR) Project
Series: EduFilms

How to cite: Zeller, M. (2022, September 29). EduFilm 1 | What is the Analysis, Creation, and Teaching of Orchestration (ACTOR) Project [Video]. ACTOR Timbre and Orchestration Resource. YouTube. Retrieved Month Day, Year, from

Learn about timbre and orchestration with the ACTOR project! ACTOR (Analysis, Creation, and Teaching of Orchestration) is a multi-institution research partnership.

We stimulate the development of new tools for learning, creating, and studying timbre and orchestration in concert, club, film, and video-game music, sensitizing audiences young and old to the wonders and complexities of musical sound.

In Episode 1, Stephen and his assistant Cameron Chameleon explore what goes on inside the ACTOR labs.


Unraveling timbre in the music of the marriage ceremony of the Chewa and Bemba in Zambia


CV Workshop