EduFilm 4 | Timbre and Cover Songs

Title: EduFilm 4 | Timbre and Cover Songs
Series: EduFilms

How to cite: Tatar, J., & Duinker, B. (2023, August 14). ACTOR EduFilm 4 | Timbre and cover songs [Video]. ACTOR Timbre and Orchestration Resource. YouTube. Retrieved Month Day, Year, from

Ever wonder how Weezer's cover songs sound nearly identical to the originals, yet unmistakably like Weezer? EduFilm 4 explores this question, and the answer, naturally, has something to do with timbre.

  • Written by: Jeremy Tatar and Ben Duinker

  • Narration: Jeremy Tatar and Ben Duinker

  • Animation, Editing, and Sound Design: Patrick Hart

  • Producer: Ben Duinker

  • Executive Producer: Stephen McAdams

Produced with the generous support of the ACTOR Partnership, the Schulich School of Music, McGill University, and the Social Sciences and Humanities Research Council of Canada.


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