Beethoven | Symphony No. 5

Learn About Orchestration | Scores and Recordings

Beethoven, Ludwig van | Symphony No. 5, Op. 67 (1808)

Recording: Herbert von Karajan conducting the Berlin Philharmonic (1977)

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Other places this work is cited on the Timbre and Orchestration Resource

  • Extreme Orchestration textbook by Freund and Cutler (2006/2024)
    • In passages where the music deviates from the tonic key, the trumpets were traditionally required to rest due to the limitations of their natural overtone series. When a composer sought to feature the trumpets melodically, the melody had to be carefully crafted to align with the available harmonic series of the instrument, particularly at the outset. A prime example of this can be found in the final movement of Beethoven’s Symphony No. 5, where the trumpets deliver a compelling six-measure melody, though they encounter the constraints of the subdominant in measure 7. Appearing21:13 in the above video.

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