Mahler | Symphony No. 5

Learn About Orchestration | Scores and Recordings

Mahler, Gustav | Symphony No. 5 (1902)

Recording: Conductor: Simon Rattle; Orchestra: Berliner Philharmoniker

All Movements



Other places this work is cited on the Timbre and Orchestration Resource

  • Extreme Orchestration textbook by Freund and Cutler (2006/2024)
    • Trumpet excerpt 1: 1st Movement, mm.1–26. Appearing at 0:04 in the above video.
    • Trumpet excerpt 2: This additional passage from the same movement, mm.155–172, demonstrates how a trumpet solo in its middle range can effectively deliver a melodic line that cuts through a highly active orchestral accompaniment. Appearing at 5:26 in the above video.

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