Cello Links Cello Links

Cello: Basic Principles of Cello Technique — Jamie Fiste


“This article is designed as a starting point for cello technique. It includes broad principles that generally hold true. I am particularly interested in those principles that can release tension and help prevent overuse injuries in cellists. I believe these principles can be applied to other instruments and string pedagogy in general.”

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Clarinet Links Clarinet Links

Clarinet: Playing Techniques — VSL


“Despite its complicated keywork the clarinet is extremely agile and allows great dexterity. Its agility is exceeded only by the flute, which is due to the clarinet’s particularly difficult fingering. Legatos played on the clarinet have an especially velvety sound which makes it the perfect instrument for the performance of trills and tremolos, arpeggios, scales and legato phrases.”

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Flute Links Flute Links

Flute: Dr. Cate's Flute Tips | Flute pedagogy for school music directors

“Dr. Cate is a flute performer, scholar and teacher based in the Chicago area. She is an artist/scholar for Azumi flutes and appears around the US and internationally at music conferences, clinics and conventions. She is passionate about helping kids play the flute well and helping school music directors understand how to teach the flute more effectively to their students.”

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Flute Links Flute Links

Flute: Playing Techniques — Vienna Symphonic Library


“The flute is an extremely agile instrument which allows staccato and legato playing at the fastest tempi. It is also ideally suited for fast arpeggios as well as chromatic and diatonic scales, leaps, tremolos and trills. The changeover from staccato to legato notes is especially characteristic of the flute.”

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Percussion: The Orchestra: A User's Manual — Andrew Hugill


“The aim of The Orchestra: A User's Manual is to provide information about the orchestra, orchestration, composition and instruments, for the benefit of anybody with an interest in the subject.”

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