SUBJECT 1 | In-depth-OLD

Perception of a Violin Section

This page contains:

Microphone Submixes

This section explores sounds of the microphone placements for each example. Click below to hear the submixes for each example:

One Violin - Excerpt A: Rooms, Decca, Spots, and Contact Mics
Two Violins -
Excerpt B: Rooms, Decca, Spots and Contact Mics
Three Violins -
Excerpt C: Rooms, Decca, Spots and Contact Mics
Four Violins - Excerpt D: Rooms, Decca, Spots, and Contact Mics
Six Violins -Excerpt E: Rooms, Decca, Spots, and Contact Mics
Violins I - Front Desk Leading - Excerpt F: Rooms, Decca, Spots, and Contact Mics
Violins I - Rear Desk Leading - Excerpt G: Rooms, Decca, Spots, and Contact Mics


SUBJECT 1 In-depth


SUBJECT 1 | Orchestration