ODESSA Montreal — Subject 1, Example G

TOR / ODESSA / Montreal / Subject 1 / Example G

This section explores sounds of the microphone placements for Example G, recording the full violin 1 in unison, with the rear desk leading. The excerpt is from Tchaikovsky’s Symphony no. 6. mov. i, mm. 89–97.

  • Each example presents the same melodic passage recorded by different microphones

  • In the microphone placement chart, we can see where the microphone are placed and the entire microphone setup scheme for the recording

    • Contact: Close mic (very close)

    • Decca Tree: Stereo pair plus center mic placed behind the conductor.

    • Microphone Spot: Close mic, approximately 1 meter away from player

    • Room microphones: Microphones placed in the seating area to capture the sound of the room


ODESSA Montreal — Subject 4, Example F