Path of Miracles - SPOTS

Spot Microphones (Neumann KM184)

In the context of acoustic recording, spot microphones capture individual sound sources. When mixed with microphones that capture the main image of the recording and the reverberation of the room, spots provide a sense of clarity and bring the performers closer to the listening position. If they are too low in the mix, listeners may feel a sense of fatigue as if they cannot quite hear a far-away voice. If they are too high, it may instead give the impression that the listener is being shouted at from a close distance. The Neumann KM184 microphone is a small diaphragm condensor microphone often used in classical music applications. Its small diaphragm capture provides a relatively fast transient response, and the cardioid pickup pattern provides some rejection of the room while making relatively small compromises on frequency response. While microphones were placed to capture as much of every individual voice while rejecting nearby sound sources, there is still bleed between capture points, with some positions rejecting more than others.

Download the uncompressed audio excerpt here, or stream the mp3 below.


Path of Miracles - DECCA

