Path of Miracles - REAR HEIGHT

Rear Height Left and Right (Scheops MK2H))

At a staggering 5 meters in height and 3 meters further back than the surround system, the Rear Height microphones had to be placed on specially extended stands. This system captured the most decorrelated sound from the frontal image of the performers, and was positioned to capture the extended ambience reverberating towards the ceiling of the church with minimal direct sound. While generally flat, omnidirectional microphones become increasingly directional in higher frequencies, so this is an often-used technique to draw attention toward or away from certain sound sources. The Scheops MK2H microphone features a slight boost in freuqencies above 6kHz. This purposeful coloration helps distinguish the surround capture system from the Decca Tree and other front-facing capture systems. It is also in a relatively meaningful range for human hearing, which is focused on mid to high frequencies. Download the uncompressed audio excerpt here, or stream the mp3 below.


Online Guide to Room Acoustics for Musicians

