Dance and Timbral Exploration (DaTE)

Example 1: KiCASS target point selection.

Example 2: KiCASS broadcast setup.

Example 3: Some of the plugins used in WIND. Screenshot is taken from a Max/MSP/Jitter patcher for the piece. The red receives were from dancer generated KiCASS data.

Example 4: Developing the interaction.

Example 5: Nodes object in Max/MSP/Jitter used in WIND. Top triangles indicate blind spots for the Kinect camera.

Example 6: The flute (above) and cello (below) parts for WIND page 3 of 4. Annotations made during the rehearsal process indicate the relationship between the score and the audio processing. For page 3 specifically, the blue and yellow shaded areas represent the major and minor harmonizer effects, respectively.

Example 7: Screenshot of Ableton Live Session View used to test out effects plugins with extended technique samples.


Timbre Space


The Timbre in Popular Song (TiPS) Corpus