Bass Trombone Timbre and Orchestration Resource Bass Trombone Timbre and Orchestration Resource

Bass Trombone, brief description


“The bass trombone is a slide trombone with two valves that are operated by the left thumb. The valves make it possible to lower the instrument’s pitch from Bb to F or D. The entire chromatic scale only becomes available thanks to the thumb valve (F tuning) and an additional third-valve (D tuning).”

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Bass Tuba, Tuba Recommended External Content Bass Tuba, Tuba Recommended External Content

Bass Tuba, brief description


“The tuba is currently used in four tunings: the bass tuba in F and Eb, and the contrabass tuba in C and Bb. In Austrian and French orchestras tubas in F and Bb are used, the contrabass tuba in Bb being found primarily in opera orchestras. In some regions of Germany and in Scandinavia, the United Kingdom and the USA the C tuba with four valves is common as a kind of all-round instrument: it is played not only in the orchestra but also in chamber music and as a solo instrument.”

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Contrabass Tuba Recommended External Content Contrabass Tuba Recommended External Content

Contrabass Tuba, brief description


“The contrabass tuba is currently made in two tunings: C and Bb. It is used primarily in opera orchestras and in brass and military bands. It is rarely asked for in symphony orchestras. Contrabass tubas are basically made in two different forms: the tuba form and the spiral form. Spiral tubas are also known as helicons.”

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Flute Recommended External Content Flute Recommended External Content

Flute, brief description — Vienna Symphonic Library


“The concert flute is an edge-tone instrument and consists of three pieces of tubing: the headjoint, middle joint (body) and footjoint. The lip plate and embouchure are set in the conical headjoint. If the embouchure is set on a little plateau it is known as a reform embouchure. This slight elevation facilitates attack, which makes it especially popular with beginners. The upper end of the headjoint is closed by the stopper, which is movable and enables slight adjustments to intonation.”

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Wagner Tuba Links Wagner Tuba Links

Wagner Tuba, brief description


“The Wagner tuba, conceived by Richard Wagner for his Ring of the Nibelung, is made in two sizes, Bb (tenor instrument) and F (bass instrument). In the symphony orchestra two of each instrument have always been used. Because they have a horn mouthpiece they are played by hornists.”

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