Instruments | Repertoire | Strings | Cello
Repertoire examples for Cello, based on recommendations from orchestration treatises and college syllabi.
Suggested listening for Cello, from Kennan and Grantham's (2002, p. 31) textbook, The Technique of Orchestration.
Playlist available here on Spotify.
“Beethoven, Third Symphony (Eroica), beginning.
Schubert, Symphony in B minor (Unfinished), 1st movt., 2nd theme.
Brahms, Third Symphony, 3rd movt.; Fourth Symphony, 2nd movt., meas. 41; Piano
Concerto No. 2, 3rd movt., beginning.
Saint-Saens, “The Swan” from The Carnival of Animals (solo cello).
Wagner, Tristan und Isolde, beginning of Prelude; Love Death, meas. 9.
Glinka, Overture to Russian and Ludmilla, 2nd theme, meas. 81.
Strauss, Don Quixote, Variation 5.
Elgar, Enigma Variations, Variation 12.
Mahler, Fourth Symphony, 3rd movt., beginning and at figure 9.
Roy Harris, Third Symphony, beginning.
Howard Hanson, First Symphony, beginning.
Villa-Lobos, Bachianas Brasileiras No. 1, for eight cellos.
Bloch, Schelomo (virtuoso writing for solo cello with orchestra).
Penderecki, DeNatura Sonoris No. 2, meas. 52.”
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